The battle over the thermometer

Publish Time: 2016-12-15     Origin: Site

Do you have debates over the office thermostat?

In our newsroom, we can tell you it happens often with men and women usually taking separate sides. It's a debate you and a loved one may have had at home.

A new study says there may be a specific reason why the temperature inside can lead to heated debates or cold shoulders.

The Today Show looked into the battle between men and women over the thermostat. It is something that you probably see day in and day out at your office.

It turns out that an old formula may be to blame for the tussle over office temperatures.

A new study from the Nature Climate Change Journal says that the temperatures in many office buildings are determined by an outdated and inaccurate model which was developed in the 1960s. It is based on the resting metabolic rate of a 154 pound, 40-year-old man.

Fast forward more than half a century, half of the workforce is female, but thermostats haven't moved. The study does confirm that the great air conditioning debate isn't just in your head, finding that "in general, females prefer a higher room temperature than males in home and office situations" That's a balmy 77 degrees for women compared to a cool 71.6 degrees for men.

"Women tend to have lower basil metabolic rates so they tend to burn off energy a lot slower," says Dr. Devi. "They actually give off less heat than men so they tend to be colder."

Another slightly less scientific factor?

"Women tend to wear skirts so maybe they have their legs kind of bare and cold their arms you know might be out," says Dr. Devi. "Men wear more layers. They tend to wear jackets or suits. You add all these things together then it's more likely that that difference between men and women, it's going to be more pronounced."

Besides reducing arguments in the home and office, turning the temperature up could definitely save you some money.

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